
Are you a happy individual?

decorative element
In your core,
are you a happy
Are you up for the experience?
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Happiness is omnipresent
and is the highest goal
for many people.
During a stay in Africa,
tourists often put forward the thesis
that Africans are happier
than Europeans.

decorative animation Play Video
Duration: 2min
decorative element
What you have
just seen says
something about you…
…because this video addresses
the emotions that you are
showing to the outside world.

At 3 points in the course of the video,
you had the chance
to change it with your
facial expressions.
And thus to influencing it subconsciously.
decorative animation
– Your Results – For more insights, share your score with us! Only your score will be transmitted*
- anonymously of course.
decorative animation Get & Share Score
Your emotion:
sad smile Checkpoint 1
sad smile Checkpoint 2
sad smile Checkpoint 3
The three times we checked you didn't smile. You smiled once out of three times we checked. You smiled twice out of three times we checked. You smiled three out of three times we checked.
The average score is 0/3.
*The values will be transmited to
a Firebase Realtime Database
(A Service by Google LLC). Read More
»For Africans, happiness
is the starting point
of being human.
A child is happy first of all.«
– Vincent Cespedes, Philosopher

Find out more about Sugaboy's view:

Music: Sugaboy
Concept & Animation: Mimi Maxaieie
Programming: Sebastian Winter
Face Detection API: face-api.js
Font: Maragsa by John David Maza
decorative animation Restart Experience